
    Looking at These 20 Photos of Beautiful Albino People will Hypnotize You

    Bearers of porcelain beauty — that’s how albino people are dazzlingly rare.

    Despite of being different for suffering the uncommon genetic syndrome called “albinism,” these people are simply angelic and hypnotizing. This condition is the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes.

    Albinos are almost universally insulted, mocked, harassed and intimidated. Nevertheless, one thing is for sure: they look different because they really are different. They defy the standards of being “ordinary” and are blessed to live exceptional.

    Get hypnotized by these 20 photos of albino people who are so white you can confuse them with ice.

    #1 Zohar

    Albino model Zohar beautifully wears these white butterflies on her neck and hair during a photo shoot with Moscow artist Yulia Taits on her project “Porcelain Beauty.”

    #2 Ava Clarke

    Ava Clarke is a black girl born with Albinism. In her race of dark-skinned people, Ava glows amazingly beautiful despite of her condition.

    #3 Albino Girl

    This little girl looks so curious in her beautifully captured photo. She is wearing a pair of glasses since once of the effects of Albinism is poor eye sight.

    #4 Shimon

    Shimon is a brilliantly albino model posing with a snow ball-like albino mouse.

    #5 Diandra Forrest

    Diandra Forrest is an African-American model. She is the first female albino model to sign a contract with a major modelling agency.

    #6 Sanele Junior Xaba

    After years of being bullied on the streets of Durban, Sanele Junior Xaba has now modelled for huge apparel companies as Adidas and appeared in GQ. He is now fighting for diversity in his trade, and wants to raise awareness for albino people.

    #7 Thanda Hopa

    Thanda Hopa is a model from South Africa who is currently on a mission to crush all stereotypes in relation to albinism. The 26-year-old model who is also a lawyer, activist and aspiring poet is breaking the barriers of conventional beauty.

    #8 Abdel

    Abdel is a boy suffering from albino and a cleft pallet. Nevertheless, he is stunningly beautiful.

    #9 Devin Clark

    Devin is another albino model defying the odds of his condition. He is currently working for Jewel Models Management.

    #10 Eydan

    Eydan is a Jewish model. His skin is so white it blends beautifully white paper boats.

    #11 Frozen

    Her beauty will bring chills to anyone who wants to take a look.

    #12 Dessyslava

    We all wish to have eyelashes as these.

    #13 Michal

    Who says angels don’t live on Earth?

    #14 Adi

    Its almost hard to identify which parts of her body wear stockings.

    #15 World’s Biggest Albino Family

    All eight members of the Pullan family (including their 2-year-old child) from Delhi, India suffer from albinism. They are so far the world’s largest albino family.

    #16 Caesar

    Aside from his skin, Caesar’s eyes are equally stunning.

    #17 Eliran

    It looks like he doesn’t belong on land, but up in the sky with clouds as white as he is.

    #18 Nastya Zhidkova

    Nastya is a model from Moscow, Russia who owns an ethereal beauty. She effortlessly looks like the White Witch from Narnia.

    #19 Ori

    If these strings were snow, she can be an ice queen.

    #20 African Albino Siblings

    These children are equally beautiful. Despite of going through so much bullying for being white on a race of dark-skinned people, they are still gorgeous and loved.

    What do you think ?

    1 thought on “Looking at These 20 Photos of Beautiful Albino People will Hypnotize You”

    1. Good Day. I am Thothi Mangena and I would really love to say that I am madly in love with Albinos. And I am currently trying to eliminate Albino discrimination amongst the people who surround me and thank you all out there for accepting people with Albinism. They are people just like us. Love you all


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